The Culture of Circles

Coming together to sing. It is medicine. It is ancient, practiced by indigenous peoples around the world. It is magic. It is necessary. And, like the circle, it continues through generations. The circle never ends.  A friend once shared with me that the idea of...

HeartSong Gathering Day 3 ~ Full Moon Madness

The morning in the cafe is all bright and shiny, just like us. Music jumps off guitar strings as we sip our hot morning beverages, enjoy tostadas and oatmeal and fruit, and meet for another new day. This one is extra juiced, as another 40 guests are coming to join the...

HeartSong Gathering Day 1- Coming Home

There is a sense of excitement and energy floating among the fairies at the farm. In the distance, interrupting the usually dominant peace, a boat engine rattles. A shipment of family is arriving. We are even more excited than last year! Fairies flood the dock, and...

Conscious Cookin’ in Community

Living in small sustainable community is, in my super cute and humble opinion, one of the most conscious adjustments we can make as a society. Sharing resources, appliances, clothing, even a community phone like the one I am using to post this, means we buy less, use...

Cacao – The Magic, the Medicine & the Source

How do you contain 25 super powerful Cacao Sourcerers on one off-grid farm for a week of magic and medicine? Step one is obvious for the fairies, and that is open your heart and let the love in. Lucky for us we are very well trained in this practice. Step two?...

Learning how to touch again

Oh to be touched, and yet to be so afraid of it. The way my spine would tighten and cramp in the gentle hum of a hug. The way a man once held me again and again in a subway station trying to teach me to hug because I was stiff as stone in his embrace. The way I slept...