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Light Leadership Residency

Giving You The Spiritual AND Practical Tools To Live The Life You've Always Wanted as a Leader!   Light Leadership Residency Discover the tools you need to unlock your full potential as a leader of love   Are you a lightworker stepping into spaceholding, facilitating and guiding others on their journey? Then this magical immersion […]

$500 – $3300

Heart of Cacao Immersion and Pilgrimage Retreat

In the upcoming, Heart of Cacao Immersion and Pilgrimage retreat, happening May 20th to 29th, you are invited to connect more deeply to your soul and your unique spiritual path through a Shamanic Initiation known as the Path of the Jaguar. In this 9-day retreat, you will have the opportunity to embody the next level […]

Permaculture Online Training

Permaculture as we know it today is a philosophy developed in Australia by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. This philosophy is “consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food and energy for provisions of local needs.” Permaculture seeks to answer the question: “Are there ways […]

$33.33 – $299.99

Sound Healing Online Gathering

Inspired by Singing Alive and Rainbow Gatherings, this event is all about opening our voices to praise the divine. Opening the heart to the divine light within and sending it out. There will be special workshops/activities to open our hearts and expand the voice. Yoga w/ live medicine music every day! And every night will […]

$199.99 – $234